In Defense Of Prostitution

Hi everybody! I created a Twitter account for The TrashPhile its pretty simple @thetrashphile although I am not entirely sure what to post on it. Maybe tons of nudie pics? Maybe just one a day? I haven’t decided. I can announce blog posts, so that’s handy. Maybe you can tweet me and let me know what you’d like to see.

This is the last article/pictorial/whatever from Gusto 1963, but it’s so huge I am splitting it up into two posts. It’s called ‘In Defense Of Prostitution’ but after a few pages the ‘story’ drops off and all thats there is naked ladies, random unnamed naked ladies. I guess this magazine really gets to the point. There’s some amazingly adorable ladies in this mag and as I move on to the next one I will miss their faces. One more post about Gusto, hopefully later this week, and on to a new mag I know you guys are gonna love, and a much better labeled one at that. Enjoy!

Plague Of The Past

Yet another piece of fiction with unnamed naked ladies accompanying it from Gusto 1963, although I think this time there’s more duplicates. I think thats about it for this one. I am currently editing up a new mag, there’s one or two more articles from this mag, I might just combine all the rest of the pics into one jumbo post. I am excited about this new mag, some great color pics and cute retro ladies. Until then, Enjoy!

This was the first page illustration

Deep Drink of Revenge

Yet another fiction piece plus pictures of unnamed nude ladies from Gusto 1963. I really think you’ll like this one though, there’s tons of pics and most of them are different models. I wish I knew who they were but I am thinking they might have been one time models and the mag didn’t have enough of any one model for a whole pictorial. One of the pictures is split between two pages so I’ll include the stitched up pic also. The girls are all super cute and the pictorial features a variety of looks. Short post but lots o pics! Have a great Fourth of July weekend and enjoy!

The Ball Game

More fiction with nudie pics from Gusto 1963! This chick has awesome boobs and butt, along with a super rad 60’s hairdo. She is super adorable in her lingerie, and definitely knows how to model. I love how her personality shines through in the pictorial, she’s having fun with the camera, and that makes for a great article. I don’t even know what the article says, do you?

Gusto is about half way done, my plan is to post more frequently, honest! I have a few mags waiting in the wings, eager to be seen by appreciative eyes. If you want more TrashPhile check out the Imgur, Flickr, Tumblr, or Instagram. Thanks and enjoy!

Misfortune is a Dark-Eyed Maiden

Great news- after a little over a year and a half of running this blog I finally registered!!! I am so excited, it’s pretty cool having my own domain. I have been thinking about making a Facebook page related to the blog, although I am not sure how much I would actually be able to post, just thinking creatively about how to promote the blog.

This article/pictorial from Gusto is another work of fiction with attached nudie pics. The woman associated with this story is the cover model also, she has a great beehive hairdo and huge grannie panties with garters. I love her beautiful eyes and sweet smile, she’s so adorable! I hope you like her huge lacy underpants as much as I do, if not more. Enjoy!

Pocketful of Pleasure

Happy Memorial Day fellow smut lovers! I am in vegas not enjoying the sun, but enjoying the seediness of downtown. I brought my laptop just so I could post for ya. I didn’t read the article because the mag is at home but from what I can gather its some sort of story with titty pics to go along with it? You can prob zoom in enough to read it, I have drinks and table games to get back to. Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend, Enjoy!

New Mag- Gusto 1963

New magazine day! It’s Gusto from 1963, a parliament publication. This magazine is kind weird, theres only one pictorial that has a name attached. Most of the pictures are littered through out article called ‘In Defense of Prostitution’ so unfortunately I can’t identify the models. But they are in fact models, not prostitutes, I guess they had to state that, ha. The magazine has some great vintage black and white smut, even if they’re anonymous. I have yet to read any of the articles, they seem interesting but that ‘Prostitution’ one is really long! Tonight I am featuring the front and back covers (they’re the same pic) and three pages of the same girl from the ‘Prostitution’ article. She has some adorable lingerie; I love her hairdo and eyeliner. It’s going to be interesting figuring out how to blog this one because I usually do the pictorials and this mag is chaos, its ok though, you’re gonna love it. Enjoy!